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IDEX2023: Streit Group from UAE unveils three new wheeled armored vehicles


The Spartan Monocoque is a new member in the Spartan APC (Armored Personnel Carrier) family offering more protection against mines and IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) thanks to its new design. The new version keeps the general layout of the previous Spartan.

An armored monocoque refers to a type of vehicle construction where the body of the vehicle is made up of a single, self-supporting structure that provides both the vehicle’s frame and its body shell. In the case of an armored monocoque vehicle, this structure is also designed to provide protection against ballistic and explosive threats.

Monocoque construction is widely used in modern automotive engineering, where it provides a lightweight and stiff structure that can improve both performance and safety. Armored monocoque vehicles are typically designed for military or security applications, where they are used to transport personnel or goods in hazardous environments or to engage in combat operations.

The Spartan is an armored security vehicle that can be tailored to perform a wide range of missions including peacekeeping operations, escort convoys, EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal vehicle), and border patrol. The vehicle can be also used as an APC offering internal space for 10 military or security personnel including the driver and commander.

he Scorpion 3 design is similar to the previous version with the engine at the front, the crew in the middle, and the troop’s compartment at the rear. The vehicle can carry 10 military or security personnel including a driver and a commander.

The Scorpion 3 is the latest version of the Scorpion, the designer of Streit Group has reduced the weight while maintaining the protection of the original Scorpion vehicle. Thanks to this new feature, the vehicle offers more mobility in terms of speed and cruising range.

The Scorpion 3 is a vehicle in the MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicle with a ballistic and mine protection STANAG Level. 4569 Level 3 that can withstand the fire of 7.62×51 mm NATO round ammunition at a velocity of 847 m/s. Level 3 mine protection is one of the highest levels specified by the standard and requires a vehicle to be able to withstand the detonation of a blast equivalent to a minimum of 8 kg of TNT.

The Scorpion 3 design is similar to the previous version with the engine at the front, the crew in the middle, and the troop’s compartment at the rear. The vehicle can carry 10 military or security personnel including a driver and a commander.

Streit Group Scorpion 3 MRAP. (Picture source Army Recognition)

The Cobra 4 is an evolution in the Cobra armored vehicle family which in service with several countries all over the world.

At IDEX 2023, the new Cobra 4 was displayed in a specific design configuration with the power pack at the front, crew and troops compartment in the middle and a cargo area at the rear. In this configuration, the vehicle can accommodate up to four soldiers or police officers.

The Cobra is considered as one of the smaller armored vehicles in the world but it offers ballistic and mine protection STANAG 4569 Level 2 able to withstand the following ballistic threats 7.62×51 mm NATO round ammunition at a velocity of 830 m/s and 155 mm artillery shell fragments at a velocity of 550 m/s.

The Cobra 4 is powered by a 3 L Diesel V6 engine developing 225 hp. The single-platform design of the Cobra 4 can be adapted to different layouts, and both Right and Left Hand Drive steering orientation options are available. The vehicle can be fitted with a one-man open-top turret with a traverse of 360°. The turret can be armed with a machine gun up to 12.7mm caliber or one 40mm automatic grenade launc her.

